Abel Hechavarría Jardines, a Cuban digital professional and creator based in Hungary, has earned recognition as a life mentor. His focus is on helping people develop and free themselves from limiting beliefs, habits and thoughts that can hinder their growth.
Abel produces completely original content, using proprietary mentoring systems that offer unique added value to his clients and followers. However, this originality also comes with a risk, the possibility of plagiarism or misuse.
In this article, we explore the plagiarism case Abel suffered and how protecting his works with enotar.io was key to solve the problem and stop the unauthorized distribution of his content.
Abel Hechavarria Jardines in Venezia, Italy - September 2021
Abel, decided to add to his project a friend, whom we will call “Pedro”, as a co-presenter in his mentoring programs. At first, the collaboration worked well and they both managed to connect with the audience. However, after several months of working together, personal problems arose between Abel and Pedro, which led Abel to make the difficult decision to leave his friend and continue alone with his channel.
Time passed, and Abel lost contact with Pedro. Everything seemed quiet until, through acquaintances, Abel learned that his ex-collaborator had opened a YouTube channel, in which he used the same content from his channel as if it were his own. The news was a low blow, but Abel was not intimidated. He immediately filed a complaint with YouTube for misuse of his content.
According to the procedures, both parties had to present evidence to prove who was the true copyright holder. Abel, always aware of the risks, had registered his copyright with enotar.io from the start. With the confidence that this foresight gave him, he sent YouTube’s legal team the certificate issued by enotar.io, which contained all the necessary evidence to prove his authorship.
YouTube received the certificate and, after reviewing the evidence, determined that Abel was the original creator of the content. As a result, they proceeded to stop the distribution of the material that Pedro was using without authorization.
Following these events, Abel contacted enotar.io to tell his story and serve as an example for other artists and content creators.
I am happy to have registered my digital creations with this company, the ease of being able to make registrations and certificates is something that saves time and headaches. Besides feeling my back covered, as I was recently in a dispute on the YouTube platform for copyright of one of my works, and thanks to the enotar.io registration and the certificates it provides you with, I won my dispute and feel quite relieved.
This incident not only underscores the importance of protecting copyrights, but also the need to be prepared for potential disputes. Thanks to Abel’s astuteness and enotar.io’s technology, he was able to defend his work and continue to offer valuable content to his followers without fear of misappropriation by others.